Interactive diagrams that change dynamically based on your federated data sources
Sounds complicated but it’s really not
Let’s break the above statement down into two parts
1) Interactive diagrams that change dynamically
Use your precious time and creative skills to draw future state visions not current state reality
Leave HubScope to draw your current state integrations perfected using layout algorithms
Click on any of the images below to expand some examples
Automated layouts
HubScope provides a variety of algorithms which will automatically layout your diagrams in the best possible way. We provide orthogonal, hierarchical, symmetric, circular and bundle layouts. Granular node and edge layouts are also available
Impact analysis
Predictive “what might be affected“ as well as reactive “what has been affected“ visual analysis keeps everyone in the loop using ‘find path‘, ‘ripple effect‘ and ‘discover‘ impact analysis. Any number of analysis techniques can be combined as needed
Collapse complexity
Sometimes you or your team don’t need to see everything at once or you need to start at a high level and drill down into complexity based on a train of thought. Maybe you just want to take stakeholders on a journey through an issue or opportunity
Sequence complexity
Snapshots & Deltas
Looking at data as a graph can provide some powerful insights & our two dimensional swim lane multiplies this by allowing you to use any two attributes to plot along x and y axis, so factoring in the sequencing of dependences into your decision making
Tracking what has changed or identifying options for the next iteration of changes are simplified using snapshots and deltas. A snapshot is a data source at a point in time. A delta visualisation shows the difference by comparing any two snapshots
2) Based on your federated data sources
Good data about your integrated system drives good decisions from visual analytics
Out of the Box Technology Adapters
Configure each of your projects to include data from one or more of the following sources, this data will be federated into a single graph.
Spreadsheet Data
(R/O & R/W)
Multiple spreadsheets can be merged in order to combine information from different teams
SQL Data
(R/O & R/W)
Data from any jdbc compliant SQL database can federated with other sources using views
NoSQL Data
neo4j data can be accessed (from on-prem or cloud) and federated using the bolt: api
API Data (R/O)
REST API sources data can be federated in real time for both node and edge attributes
Technology Adapters - prices will vary
These adapters are under development and not yet generally available, contact us for beta versions, prices and GA release dates
Cloud Config Adapters – prices will vary
These adapters are under development and not yet generally available, contact us for beta versions, prices and GA release dates
Custom Adapters based on the following source formats
Customer adapters can be commissioned based on any one or more of the following underlying adapters, see Tom Sawyer Perspectives for more details and get in touch for a quote
Our customers
where IT is key to innovation and build assurance/quality - roads/cities/nation grid
and Banking where IT provides a competitive edge - brownfield and greenfield banks/insurance
both central and regional where IT is key to people/law/society/environment systems