Frequently Asked Questions

+ Is there a user guide

Yes see below and watch out for new versions as they will be updated in line with new software releases

>> Latest Administration Guide

>> Latest User Guide

+ How do I define my local settings such as proxy, jre and memory allocation?

Use hubload and click the settings tab to change your local settings

+ How do I replace a license file, for example a trial license with a full license?

Instructions will be send when you purchase a new license and when a major release is provided and a license upgrade is needed

+ How do I release a floating (Enterprise) license?

Enterprise users can release their allocation of a floating license when exiting HubScope. When prompted and confirmed an email will be generated which needs to be send (unchanged) to deallocate your license

+ How do I release a named (Project) license?

Project licenses can be reallocated if a team member has been replaced or someone has left the team. To request please email your project license file to support@hursleyhub.com and you will be notified once a free slot is available

+ How can I tell who else is using a license?

Please send an email to license@hursleyhub.com attaching your hubscope.lic to and an automated audit report will be generated and emailed back to you

+ How often do floating licenses reset themselves?


+ What is a HubPack?

A HubPack (with has file extension .zip) is a zipped file which contains everything needed to run a HubScope project. New demonstrations can be downloaded from hubscope.com or projects can be shared between users as an alternative to using a shared drive for project files

+ How do I create a HubPack?

Use hubload and click the Export Hubpack tab, enter the project you want to export and the directory you want the .zip file to be saved

+ How do I use a HubPack?

Use hubload and click the Import Hubpack tab, select the .zip file you been given and the location where your Project folder resides. Note this will not overwrite existing files if they already exist

+ How do I speed up HubScope?

The best way to improve the performance of HubScope is to allocate more memory to the JRE, use hubload > settings to do this