HubScope Pricing

HubScope provides three flexible pricing options for your data driven visualization needs
So whether you’re working as an individual consultant, part of a project team or you have multiple projects we have you covered
Scroll Down for License Price Calculator

(The small print - all licenses can be upgraded at any time, with unused months taken into account. Scroll down for our dormant license pledge)

Our dormant license pledge

We recognize that situations can change and whilst we don’t provide refunds we do stand by our dormant license pledge. We think this is a fair approach as you can save some costs if your HubScope project becomes delayed and we’ll be ready to pick up the thread when you are.

How this works

If you ask us to suspend your license then we will set it into a dormant state from that date for a duration equal to the original license duration.

The remaining unused complete months will remain dormant until reactivated or will expire at the end of the dormant state period.

Some examples below, please get in touch for more information or to request a license suspension.

  • Purchased 1/Jan/2021, bought 12 months worth. Suspended 15th June 2021. Dormant months c/f = 6, expires 15th June 2022

  • Purchased 1/Jan/2021, bought 6 months worth. Suspended 15th March 2021. Dormant months c/f = 3, expires 15th Aug 2021